M/EDICAL PROOF’s Deep In Act Technology

Deep In Act Technology

Deep In Act (DIA) technology, born from the world's most advanced regenerative medicine, is an innovative technique that penetrates active ingredients deep into the skin through the epidermis and stratum corneum without using needles or numbing agents. To ensure the effective penetration of active ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin, the following three criteria must be met:

1. Molecular weight of 500 Daltons or less
2. Molecular size of 200 nanometers or less
3. Lipid solubility

The Deep In Act technology meets these criteria, successfully delivering ingredients deep into the skin without altering their form or molecular weight. As a result, you can experience the benefits from the moment you start using the product.

Note| Medical Proof’s Deep In Act Technology does NOT affect the structure or function of the skin.